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Psoriasis Treatment via Homeopathy

Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that can have an impact on both physical and mental well-being. Unfortunately, there is no cure for psoriasis, but it can be managed with treatments such as ointments or other types of medication. Psoriasis can be caused by various things, including illness, injury to the skin, medications that the patient may be taking, and changes in hormones.

Homeopathy works on the principle that like cures like; a substance that would cause an illness in healthy people can treat the same disease in sick individuals. The initial treatment of psoriasis is often topical, but homeopathic medicine offers a longer-lasting solution to help with itching, inflammation, and pain associated with this condition. Homeopathy has been around for over 200 years now, so it’s no wonder that there are several remedies available that have proven successful. Let us know about psoriasis first!

Causes of Psoriasis:

There are a number of factors that may trigger psoriasis, including:

  • Genetic predisposition or family history of psoriasis: If you have a blood relative, such as your parents, brother, or sister, who has psoriasis, this increases the risk of developing symptoms yourself.
  • Injuries to the skin: Some sort of physical trauma to the skin can be responsible for triggering psoriasis. For example, an injury such as a cut or a scrape might trigger inflammation and make someone more likely to develop psoriasis symptoms.
  • Hormonal changes: Changes in hormones may cause or exacerbate existing symptoms of psoriasis. This is why women often experience a worsening of their symptoms at certain stages during pregnancy or menopause. Psoriasis tends to improve naturally when people enter into a state called menopause (the average for this is 51).
  • Bacteria and viruses such as the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus (which is also responsible for causing acne) or the herpes virus may trigger psoriasis symptoms.
  • Smoking and excess alcohol consumption can worsen the condition;
  • Some drugs, such as beta-blockers or lithium, can also cause a flare-up.

Symptoms of Psoriasis: 

The most common symptom of psoriasis is patches of thick, inflamed skin on different parts of the body. These patches can result in:

  • Dry, cracked skin – The psoriasis scales can make the affected area look scaly and flaky;
  • Itching or burning sensations – Because of these scales, scratching may cause cuts or painful sores;
  • Thickened plaques – In some cases, the patches can become raised bumps due to inflammation and scarring.

Treatment options for psoriasis:

Conventional psoriasis treatment: The psoriasis treatment depends on the severity of your symptoms. Over-the-counter creams containing salicylic acid or coal tar may help reduce inflammation, while ointments with vitamin D can also be used. Topical corticosteroids and light therapy are additional treatment options that can be considered when managing mild cases of psoriasis. Strong prescription medications such as oral retinoids or biologics drugs that interfere with specific processes in the body involved in triggering and driving psoriasis are often prescribed for more advanced forms of the condition.

Oral Medications: Drugs such as acitretin, isotretinoin, or alitretinoin are a family of medications known as oral retinoids. This treatment is used for its anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to reduce the production of skin cells (which helps to clear up lesions and prevent new ones from forming).

Biologics Drugs: Biologics drugs, also called biological response modifiers, work by suppressing certain chemicals in the body involved in triggering psoriasis symptoms. You may be prescribed injectable forms of this medication if you do not respond well to other treatments or have more severe symptoms requiring stronger medication.

Phototherapy for Psoriasis: Ultraviolet light treatments are often recommended. This involves exposure to ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation three times a week for several weeks or as part of a “course” of phototherapy.

Side-effects of Conventional Treatment:

  1. Steroid injections for psoriasis: Side effects of using injected corticosteroids may include skin infections, damage to the skin, and cataracts.
  2. Retin-A (Tretinoin) cream or gel: This is a form of “chemical” treatment that your doctor will prescribe if you are diagnosed with mild cases of plaque psoriasis. However, side effects can include redness, itching, and dry skin; increased sensitivity to natural sunlight (resulting in sunburn); irritation; changes in pigmentation and permanent staining of the skin where applied.
  3. Acitretin: Sometimes, this drug is prescribed for those with severe psoriasis or if the condition has not responded to other treatments. Side effects can include dryness, redness, and skin irritation (including peeling, scaling). There can be increased sensitivity to natural sunlight; changes in strength and frequency of tendon reflexes; reduced night vision; headache; muscle aches, pain or weakness; drowsiness; nausea and vomiting. More severe side effects such as an increase in cholesterol levels may result in cardiovascular problems.
  4. Isotretinoin (Accutane): This drug is very effective but can cause serious adverse effects. It can damage the liver or unborn child if used during pregnancy and can cause congenital disabilities in some cases. This drug’s common side effects may include dry skin, redness, peeling, itching, and burning.
  5. Methotrexate: Side effects associated with methotrexate include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea; mouth sores or ulcers; hair thinning or loss; decreased white blood cells that fight infections; increased risk of infection and headache, drowsiness, dizziness.
  6. Steroidal injections: Treatment includes an infusion every other week for psoriasis patients who are not responding well to topical medications. The drug is linked with infections, severe skin reactions, and worsening of psoriasis symptoms.
  7. Cyclosporine: Side effects associated with this medication include kidney damage, high blood pressure, and increased risk of infection.

As there are many side effects associated with conventional treatment, many patients opt for natural homeopathic remedies.

Reasons to choose homeopathic treatment for psoriasis:

  • Safe: Homeopathic remedies have no side effects and can be used without worrying about medication interactions. It is an entirely natural treatment that helps the body heal itself from within.
  • More affordable: Homeopathy uses high-quality, beneficial ingredients that are best for your health as well as your pocket.
  • Efficient: Homeopathic remedies can be taken internally alongside other therapies, and many of them will work to strengthen the immune system, which speeds up recovery time.
  • Gentle: Homeopathic remedies may not bring results overnight, but they are soft enough for the body to absorb easily – unlike harsh chemical medications, which may cause harmful side effects on the skin and even internal organs.

Homeopathic treatment for psoriasis aims to reduce inflammation through the use of natural ingredients. The remedies work differently depending on what type of psoriasis is being experienced by the patient. For example, if a person has a case of plaque psoriasis where small red patches covered with silvery scales have appeared on the skin, it would be advisable to opt for an ointment type remedy that dissolves liquefies scales while clearing up the plaques. There are other factors why one can choose homeopathic treatment over conventional treatment:

1. Homeopathic remedies can be used in conjunction with other medical treatments to improve effectiveness and reduce the risk of negative interactions between medications.

2. A single homeopathic remedy for psoriasis can be obtained, unlike the many different types of conventional steroidal creams or ointments prescribed by doctors, which may have other ingredients and effects on the body.

3. Using the right homeopathic medicine for psoriasis will strengthen your overall immune system so you will feel healthier and experience a higher quality of life on all levels: emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually.

4. Homeopathic treatment for psoriasis help the body heal itself from within, meaning that external symptoms such as redness and inflammation will be reduced naturally without harsh chemicals (such as those used in steroidal treatments), which may damage the immune system.

5. Homeopathy treatments for psoriasis are based on remedies that have been used for hundreds of years to treat various types of medical conditions while strengthening overall health, not just treating a specific problem area like conventional medicine.

How Homeopathic Treatment Works for Psoriasis:

Depending upon an individual’s physical makeup or “constitution,” different remedies work in different ways. Homeopathic remedies are given after considering the entire person, including every other health problem they are experiencing.

  1. Psoriasis Homeopathic Remedies for Dry Skin: Rich ointments containing ingredients such as sulphur, zinc oxide, and tar tend to dry out psoriasis skin, making symptoms worse. Homeopathic remedies will help bring relief from scaling, itching, and burning sensations while encouraging new skin cell production to replenish the epidermis layer of the skin.
  2. Psoriasis Homeopathic Remedies for Itchy Skin: Ingredients like Sulphur, Urtica Urens, and Calendula help relieve irritation and itchiness experienced by people with psoriasis without further aggravating the skin. Calendula, also known as Marigold, has a soothing effect on the skin. At the same time, Urtica Urens (Stinging Nettle) helps reduce inflammation in hard-to-reach areas like between the toes and fingers.
  3. Psoriasis Homeopathic Remedies for Scaling: Many homeopathic remedies are made from ingredients that absorb excess moisture by binding to it to dry out psoriasis patches or plaques on the skin. Some of these ingredients include sulphur, Salicylic Acid, Tar, and Graphites which help liquefy scales to be wiped away easily while reducing irritation and itching sensation where scaling is most intense.
  4. Psoriasis Homeopathic Remedies for Inflammatory Psoriasis: Ingredients with anti-inflammatory properties such as ApisMellifica, Hepar Sulph, and Silicea help reduce redness, burning sensations, and inflammation.
  5. Psoriasis Homeopathic Remedies for Plaque Psoriasis: Tar, Sulfur, and Graphites are homeopathic remedies that can be used to treat psoriasis plaques or other dry skin types. There are ointments containing ingredients like Silver Nitrate and Calendula, which may be prescribed depending on the size of the patches or lesions being experienced by the individual.
  6. Psoriasis Homeopathic Remedies for Guttate Psoriasis: This type of psoriasis is characterized by tiny droplets that look like freckles or drops of pepper. Psoriasis Guttate typically appears after a person has had the flu or a bad cold, and it’s regarded as an indication that the person’s immune system needs to be brought back to normal. Homeopathic remedies for psoriasis guttate include Petroleum, Arsenic Album, and Sulphur, which help with skin sensitivity and inflammation symptoms and encourage healthy cell production in the epidermis layer skin.
  7. Psoriasis Homeopathic Remedies for Pustular Psoriasis: This type of psoriasis can cause pimples, cysts, crusts on patches of red raised skin, and it typically appears during a flare-up. Homeopathic remedies for Pustular Psoriasis include Sulphur, Hepar Sulph, and Silicea, which can reduce excessive itching, inflammation, and pain while encouraging new healthy skin cells.
  8. Ulcerative Colitis Homeopathic Remedies: There are symptoms such as continuous diarrhoea, abdominal cramps, and stomach pains that are signs of an individual suffering from ulcerative colitis (UC). This inflammatory bowel disease causes lesions or sores to form on the inner lining of the large intestine that produces pus-filled with dead white blood cells.
  9. Psoriasis Homeopathic Remedies for Nail Psoriasis: This condition causes changes in an appearance on the nails and the nail bed. Psoriasis of the nails appears on top and can spread to different areas, but it does not usually cause other types of psoriasis symptoms like skin flaking or inflammation. Ingredients used for homeopathic remedies psoriasis treatment include Causticum, Graphites, Nitric Acid, and Sulphur, which are made from ingredients that help dry up excess moisture while discouraging the growth of bacteria underneath fingernails.
  10. Psoriasis Homeopathic Remedies for Scalp Psoriasis: This type of psoriasis can cause flaking, redness, and irritation to the scalp, as well as temporary hair loss in some cases. Ingredients found in homeopathic remedies for psoriasis of the scalp include Calc Sulph, Graphites, and Nitric Acid, which have anti-inflammatory properties and encourage healthy cell production in the epidermis layer of skin.
  11. Psoriasis Homeopathic Remedies for Paediatric Psoriasis: Babies who suffer from this condition often have symptoms such as a red, scaly rash on their body, leading to dryness or bleeding. Psoriasis Homeopathic Remedies for pediatric psoriasis include Ammon Sulph, Arsenic Alum, and Calcarea Phos, which can help reduce itching, inflammation, and pain while encouraging healthy cells production in the epidermis layer of skin. Symptoms should improve within two weeks, but if not, consult a good homeopath or healthcare professional.

Typically, patients will require a constitutional homeopathic remedy in addition to topical treatments depending on their response to therapy.  You can visit  Dr Batras homeopathic clinic for detailed consultations. A constitutional remedy helps boost immune system function, so it’s able to fight back against any underlying medical disorders such as digestive issues, food allergies, weak vital organs, or weak nervous system function. A Constitutional Homeopathic Remedy for psoriasis varies from patient to patient.

For optimum results, psoriasis treatment should include Homeopathic Remedies for Psoriasis and diet changes and avoidance of skin irritants such as harsh soaps or hot water. If inflammation is severe, topical steroids may be an option, but holistic approach of homeopathy doctors at Dr Batras clinic will always give better results in time.

Homeopathic remedies for Psoriasis can help you achieve relief from the non-contagious disease often associated with other health conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, and heart disease that can lead to infertility over prolonged periods. You can book an appointment through OHO Homeopathy with a homeopath and achieve the utmost benefit of homeopathic treatment of psoriasis.

Homeopathy Doctor

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Homeopathy Doctor

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