Postpartum Hair loss – what to do about hair loss after pregnancy
It is a great feeling when you become a mother and even an amazing feeling when your due date is near and you are just waiting to see your little ones. But there’s one thing that you may not look forward to losing to is that your hair. It is not that the stress of the newborn is going to make your hair fall out but then it is a phase that needs to be dealt with carefully. Here’s what’s up with your pregnancy hair, what you can expect postpartum, and what you can do about it.
One might be well aware of this. We notice a lot of hormonal changes during pregnancy. One of the first to spike is human chorionic gonadotropin or hCG. That’s the hormone your pregnancy test measured and its rising levels indicated that you were pregnant. Pregnancy also causes several other hormone levels to rise, including estrogen, progesterone, oxytocin, and prolactin. Your blood volume also rose during pregnancy, to as much as 50 percent greater volume than normal by your due date. Once your baby is born, several of your hormone levels drop quickly, including progesterone and estrogen. Tho0se hormones will almost be back to normal within 24 hrs after the baby is born, although prolactin will stay high as long as you are breastfeeding. Your blood volume also decreases, but the drop is more gradual and it gets back to normal in a few weeks after the baby is born.
Hormones are one of the biggest reasons for pregnancy hair changes and postpartum hair loss. During pregnancy, your high levels of estrogen prevented your usual rate of hair loss. Normally, your hair falls out in small amounts every day. During pregnancy, your hair loss decreases. The effect is compounded by your increased blood volume and circulation, which also causes your hair to fall out less than normal. So, after your baby arrives and your hormone levels drop, your hair makes up for a lost time by falling out in much bigger clumps than it normally does. The total volume of your hair loss probably isn’t more than you would have lost over the last nine months, it just seems like it because it’s happening all at once. Postpartum hair loss can come in any day, once your baby arrives into the world, and sometimes it can continue for a year or so. It usually peaks around the 4-month mark, so even if your baby is few months old and you are still losing out clumps of hair, that doesn’t mean its time to panic but it is about having patience.
Hair fall treatment is necessary if you notice sudden changes but if it is related to pregnancy then you don’t need to panic but instead, you need to deal with the hair loss. While postpartum hair loss is normal, there are medical conditions that can cause hair loss, such as thyroid problems or anemia. The only treatment for post-pregnancy hair loss, though, is patience. There’s no magic vitamin or secret supplement that can prevent shedding. If your thinner hair is bugging you, try a new haircut or invest in a volumizing shampoo. And look on the bright side: With a new baby demanding your time and attention, your hair was probably going to end up in a ponytail, anyway.
You’re not going bald; you’re just getting back to normal. If you’re breastfeeding, some of your extra hair may hang on to your scalp until you wean or start to supplement with formula or solids.
But nursing or not, take comfort in knowing that by the time your baby is ready to blow out the candles on that first birthday cake — and perhaps has plenty of hair of her own — your catch-up hair loss will be finished, and your locks should be back to the way they were before pregnancy too.
It is pretty normal for your hair to thin out after pregnancy. If it is not worrying you then you don’t need to treat it. And unfortunately, there is nothing that has been shown to prevent or slow down post-partum hair loss. But if your hair loss is really bothering you out, there are treatments that you can try as mentioned below to make your hair appear healthier and fuller.
Including a variety of fruits, vegetables, and healthy proteins in your diet is the best way to make sure your body is getting all the nutrients it needs.
Foods that are suggested by some to improve hair health include dark leafy greens (for the iron and vitamin C), sweet potatoes and carrots (for the beta carotene), eggs (for the vitamin D), and fish (for omega-3s and magnesium).
Vitamins shouldn’t be a substitute for a varied diet, especially when you’re a new mom with a baby to take care of. But they may help as a supplement if your diet is not well-balanced. While no specific vitamins have been shown to affect hair loss, they are important for overall health. It is often recommended to continue your prenatal vitamins after your baby is born, especially if you are breast-feeding.
While there’s no evidence for it, conditioning shampoos sometimes weigh your hair down and make it look thinner and limper. Volumizers may add body to your hair and help you maintain a lustrous look.
Heating your hair with a dryer or curling iron may make it look thinner. Try to hold off on fancy styling and let your hair air-dry till the thinning tapers out. Brushing too hard can also cause your hair to fall out in bigger clumps, so be gentle when brushing and don’t brush more than once a day. You can use the extra time to cuddle your baby or catch up on sleep!
In most cases, postpartum hair loss is normal and there is nothing much to worry about it. But if you are still seeing clumps in your hairbrush after your baby hits their 1st birthday, you may want to make an appointment with a hair specialist for the hair fall treatment and make sure that there isn’t any additional cause for your hair loss.
Hair fall treatment for postpartum hair loss is highly effective and also safe at the same time. Dr Batras homeopathy treatment is the best hair fall treatment which is preferred by most women when it comes to dealing with hair loss. Homeopathic medicines are made up of natural substances like plants and minerals and animals and therefore they are away from any toxic side effects. Homeopathy for hair fall treatment supports your body in re-balancing the hormones and encouraging the growth of new hair. Dr Batras homeopahty clinic treatment not only provides the patient with long-term relief but also provides them with long-lasting results. Homeopathy for hair fall treatment not only focuses on the root cause of the issue but also treats the disease rather than just the symptoms. The homeopathy doctor will prescribe the homeopathic remedies to the patient only after closely examining the patient’s medical history, the family history and the current condition. They will prepare customized homeopathy for hair fall treatment by considering all the factors of the patient so that the results become effective at the end of the treatment.
One of the most popularly prescribed medicines in homeopathy is Silicea. It is derived from human tissues and sandstones. This medicine is excellent for strengthening the hair, eliminates dryness by providing complete nourishment to the hair and is famous as a growth enhancer. It is one of the 12 tissue cell salts in homeopathy.
Kalium Carbonicum is another homeopathy medicine that is derived from compounds that Egyptians used to prepare glass. It is prescribed by a lot of homeopathy practitioners for essentially stopping hair thinning and brittle hair thus automatically promoting hair growth. This medicine is excellent for those people who are orthodox and reserved in nature.
Homeopaths also prescribe lycopodium liberally for premature balding. Pregnant women and post-delivery, women who suffer a lot from hair loss have been using this medicine successfully. This medicine is equally effective for men as well. Low esteemed people who desire good hair growth benefit a lot from this medicine. It is prepared by distilling the spores of evergreen plants like club moss, more popularly known as staghorn moss.
The preparation of this medicine is made from sodium chloride, commonly known as table salt. To grow hair where hair loss occurs from dandruff, dry crusts on the scalp, or hair loss occurring due to skin disorder or menstrual disorders, Natrum Muriaticum is extremely effective. Sometimes hair loss happens due to hormonal imbalance, this medicine treats both with efficacy. It is ideally prescribed to those people who are sensitive and emotional.
Sometimes, skin infections like psoriasis and dandruff can lead to hair fall. So, medicine like mezereum can treat this problem and make your hair grow. Regular use of this is a must to see effective and positive results.
If you observe hair falling on sides or patchy baldness on the scalp, then this medicine works the best. Sometimes, too much humidity can also make the scalp itchy and small eruptions occur on the scalp. This results in hair loss. Regular usage of this medicine treats those and puts a stop to hair fall.
If the cause of hair fall is dandruff, then you can use these medicines to treat dandruff and reduce the irritation on the scalp. These eventually stop hair loss and bald spots and is an effective homeopathic medicine for hair fall and dandruff.
Phosphorus is another homeopathy medicine that is extremely beneficial for enhancing hair growth. It promotes regrowth in those places from where clumps of hair are lost at a time. It is also prescribed for those people who suffer from hair loss due to dandruff and other minor scalp disorders.
This homeopathy medicine is available in liquid form as well as tablets. Even this medicine is very suitable for treating loss of hair due to dandruff. It has portions of sulphur in it and is therefore excellent for the overall growth of the hair. Care should be taken to avoid taking it more than two times a day. It is best advised to stop taking it continuously for more than two weeks at a time.
This hair regrowth medicine in homeopathy is used to treat diseases like Alopecia, brittle hair, vertex baldness, idiopathic hair fall, tangled hair, and so on. It gives buoyancy to the hair volume and stimulates hair growth
If you see the hair is falling off from the roots, then to treat the damaged roots, you need this root nourishing medicine. Regular use of this medicine stops hair loss and gives you thick, healthy, and long hair.
If you see lot of boils on the scalp and hair falling off rapidly then you should try this homeopathic medicine. It has proven results and improves hair growth efficiently.
These are the homeopathic remedies that are usually prescribed by the doctor for hair fall treatment. Postpartum hair loss can start any time after the delivery. If postpartum hair loss is not worrying you, avoid taking any homeopathic medicine for hair fall. But if you’re stressed, try homeopathy treatment for hair loss postpartum. It works! It’s important to take care of your body to keep your hair healthy. Also, do not shampoo your hair regularly or do hair treatments. Try a hairstyle that will make your hair look fuller or add volume and bounce. This makes your hair appear thicker. If you have any issues regarding the hair fall treatment or issues, we, the experts at OHO Homeopathy are there to help you out!
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