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Is It Possible To Get Rid Of Psoriasis Without Chemicals?

Many people are unhappy with the appearance of their skin. It may be due to stretch marks, acne, or psoriasis. Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disease that affects about 1-3% of industrial countries. It is characterized by patches of abnormal skin cells appearing on the surface, causing it to thicken and red, inflamed areas. The symptoms can significantly impact many people’s quality of life, which is understandable when you consider how much attention our physical appearance tends to receive from others throughout life.

What is psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disease that affects the skin. It is characterized by patches of abnormal skin cells appearing on the surface, causing it to thicken and red, inflamed areas.

The vast majority of people with psoriasis have recurring outbreaks in specific locations over their bodies. Most often, these are found on the elbows, knees, or scalp. Other commonly affected areas include around or inside your mouth, fingernails, or toenails. Psoriasis may also affect the nails, joints, and eyes though this tends not to happen in children – most sufferers develop symptoms before they turn 16. Once you severely develop psoriasis, it can be challenging to get rid of without chemicals unless you are committed enough to use more natural treatments since the skin is constantly trying to rid itself of toxins.

What causes psoriasis?

Psoriasis may seem like it’s simply a skin disorder. Still, the underlying problems are systemic – this means that they affect your entire body rather than just one area. The main reason for this disease is said to be an immune system that attacks healthy cells within the skin by mistake, which makes new ones rapidly grow on top of old ones. This build-up creates thickened patches and plaques (raised areas) which appear red and sometimes scaly Pustules (pus-filled bumps) may also occur, and you might find that this reach very high up your arms or legs – even if they don’t typically appear in these areas.

The exact reason for this attack against healthy cells is not known. However, it most likely occurs because of the overactivity of T-cells within the bloodstream. This may be due to a genetic predisposition or a trigger that causes psoriasis to develop. Some common triggers include bacterial or fungal infections, certain medications, and skin injuries such as cuts or burns – though stress is often considered the leading cause by medical professionals. Because so many people experience stress regularly, this can make it difficult for doctors to pinpoint what exactly caused your particular case. Still, sometimes it’s related to an infection you had earlier in life, such as strep throat or food poisoning. This adds more proof that we need to take extra precautions with our bodies to help them stay healthy.

What are the symptoms of psoriasis?

The most common signs of this illness are plaques on your skin that appear inflamed, red, and scaly. These plaques may form thickened patches where new skin cells grow at an incredibly rapid rate (up to one cm per day) which can be unpleasant to look at since they tend to look like clusters of silvery scales. Psoriasis symptoms can often be mild, but they can also become severe if uncontrolled. There have even been cases of it affecting the soles of people’s feet so severely that they couldn’t walk without hurting themselves or getting sores due to excessive pressure being placed on the skin. Once it becomes like this, the only way to properly get rid of psoriasis without chemicals is by using other natural techniques such as essential oils. While medications can help ease symptoms and keep them under control, they shouldn’t be considered a long-term solution. As chemical treatments or even develop side effects that could harm your health.

What are the different types of psoriasis?

There are five main types of this condition:

  • Plaque Psoriasis: As mentioned earlier, and accounted for around 90% of all cases. It appears in raised patches or lesions that may be red, inflamed, and scaly.
  • Pustular Psoriasis: In this psoriatic skin, cells have become pus-filled blisters that appear as raised bumps. This is the less common type, and it tends to affect a particular area of skin rather than your entire body.
  • Guttate Psoriasis: In this form of psoriasis, you will see small scaly spots that cover large areas of your arms, legs, trunk, or scalp.
  • Inverse Psoriasis: It covers the inside parts of your body, such as your abdomen, armpits, or inner thighs.
  • Erythrodermic Psoriasis: this form causes an allergic reaction so severe that it causes widespread inflammation over your entire body. It can even make your skin come off.

Although the symptoms and types of psoriasis are relatively easy to recognize, diagnosing it can be difficult because many other conditions share similar symptoms, such as:

Allergies: For example, if you’ve recently started using a new shampoo or body wash, and this causes your skin to become itchy or flaky.

Psoriatic arthritis: it is where your joints become inflamed and painful due to plaque buildup on the surfaces of your bones. This could also affect ligaments, tendons, and other connective tissues within affected areas such as your hands, feet, wrists, and knees.

Fungal infections – It primarily creates raised patches that appear scaly or crusty, just like psoriasis.

Viral infections – such as herpes or chickenpox, can trigger sores that appear similar to those you’d find with psoriasis. These may also cause painful red areas and even a fever.

Scabies: It is a contagious skin condition caused by tiny mites burrowing into your upper layer of skin where they lay eggs and raise young. This tends to lead to a very itchy rash on the palms of your hands, the soles of your feet, elbows, behind your knees, and other areas that are often more exposed, such as your face, neck, and waistline.

How is psoriasis diagnosed?

Your doctor will usually start by asking you about any recent changes in your lifestyle or environment that might have caused this condition to develop – such as a new medication, a change in your diet, excessive alcohol consumption, or being stressed out. They may then use a unique tool known as a Wood’s lamp to look at the affected area under ultraviolet light and check any signs of psoriatic skin cells. Another way to get an accurate diagnosis is by performing a biopsy which involves taking a sample of the skin to be looked at more closely under a microscope. You need to visit your skin doctor because they need to know how severe your symptoms are and what type of psoriasis you’re suffering from before deciding on the best possible treatment option for you.

While psoriasis cannot be cured, there are treatments available that can significantly reduce symptoms, including topical treatment with corticosteroids that are efficient in reducing symptoms and side effects such as thinning skin, red patches, skin infections, and bruising. You can also use a gentle exfoliation or microdermabrasion cream to remove the top layer of dead skin cells, which allows your moisturizer to penetrate much deeper for increased hydration.

If you decide against using chemicals because it’s not safe for you, there are many natural remedies available, including:

  • Oatmeal bath: The oatmeal in a typical powdered form will help soothe and soften your psoriasis symptoms. Add a cupful of the powder into an empty normal shampoo bottle and fill this with hot water. Shake it until all of the oatmeal has dissolved, then add this mixture to a warm bath that is deep enough for you to sink into comfort. Soak in it for at least ten minutes, then pat yourself dry using a clean towel.
  • Apple cider vinegar: Before rinsing your body with water, apply this all over the affected area and allow it to sit for about an hour before you wash it off with mild soap and warm water. Repeat the process every day until your symptoms are gone or reduce to once or twice weekly. You can also get relief from psoriasis by adding two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to a whole tub of lukewarm water and soaking in this mixture for no longer than fifteen minutes.
  • Aloe vera gel –To get relief from the itching, redness, and flaking associated with psoriasis, you can apply this to the affected area in the morning and the evening. You don’t need to use any moisturizer after applying the gel.
  • Coconut oil –For mild cases of psoriasis, apply two tablespoons of this oil every day until your symptoms are gone.
  • Olive oil –Olive oil is excellent for cooking and helping you get rid of skin conditions such as psoriasis. To keep your skin soft and smooth, you can mix three tablespoons of olive oil with one tablespoon each of yellow mustard seed powder and turmeric, then store it in an old shampoo bottle or jar that’s easy to dispense. Apply this mixture on the affected area using a cotton ball several times per week until you see improvements in your symptoms.
  • Tea tree oil –Combine five drops of this essential oil with one cup of olive oil, then apply this mixture directly onto the skin using an eyedropper or paintbrush. Rub it in gently to ensure that it penetrates the skin before rinsing off with lukewarm water forty-five minutes later. You can also drink two cups of this tea daily to see if that helps improve your psoriasis symptoms.

Natural homeopathic treatment for psoriasis:

Homeopathy treatment is also one of the natural treatments for psoriasis. Homeopathic treatment for psoriasis is also effective in getting rid of skin lesions. Homeopathic treatment for psoriasis relieves not only the symptoms but also the root cause of the disease. Homeopathic medicines are available in different potencies that suit all types of patients. Here are some of the homeopathic medicines for psoriasis.

Psorinum 30C- This is the first choice to treat psoriasis. It means that it’s effective in curbing all types of skin lesions associated with this disease. The duration of the treatment duration depends on how quickly your body responds to this medicine. You can take this medicine for about twelve days. This medicine can be taken once or twice daily, depending on the severity of your condition.

Carbolic Acidum 30C- Carbolicum acidum is an excellent choice to treat psoriasis with thick plaques. The skin lesions are dry and tend to crack open, which becomes itchy and painful. This is a homeopathic medicine with few side effects. You can take this medicine for ten to fifteen days.

Baptisia 30C- This is an excellent medicine for treating psoriasis that results from suppressed anger. The plaques are raised and dark in color that might become inflamed. In the back, the hair follicles can be affected and can cause permanent hair loss. This is a homeopathic medicine with fewer side effects. The treatment duration of this medicine is about 10-15 days.

Sulphur 30C- Sulphur is recommended for patients with psoriasis that has been caused by exposure to heat. Usually, this type of psoriasis appears on the chest and back. The skin lesions tend to peel like sunburns before they become inflamed and itchy. This is a homeopathic medicine with fewer side effects. You can take this medicine for ten days to see its impact on your body.

Lac-caninum 30C- This is an ideal homeopathic remedy to treat psoriasis with reddish, blistering skin lesions. The itching of the skin is so severe that it may lead to sleeplessness and depression. This is a homeopathic medicine with fewer side effects. You can take this medicine for ten days to see its impact on your body.

Psorinum 200C- This homeopathic medicine is highly effective in treating psoriasis that has resulted from suppressed anger. This skin condition results in thick plaques that are dry and dark. At times it may even cause permanent hair loss. You can take this medicine for about 15 days to start seeing its effect on your body.

Homeopathy doctors in India have helped many psoriasis patients get rid of their symptoms with the help of homeopathic treatment. Homeopathic medicines for psoriasis are highly effective when taken under the guidance of a well-qualified, experienced, and certified homeopathic doctor. Homeopathy is one of the most trusted forms of medication that uses natural remedies to cure any disease. The use of natural remedies makes it safe for all age groups and ethnicities. You can book an appointment with a homeopathy doctor through OHO Homeopathy.

If you’re living with psoriasis, remember that you are not alone. This chronic condition affects millions of people worldwide, including children and celebrities such as Michael Jackson, Roger Federer, and Cheryl Cole, so there’s no reason for you to feel embarrassed or ashamed about your appearance. For more information on psoriasis treatments, you can check the OHO Homeopathy website!

Homeopathy Doctor

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Homeopathy Doctor

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