Are you wondering, “Is homeopathy safe?†Well, you obviously can’t disregard the increasingly deliberate and speculative media about homeopathy’s safety. Even those experienced in homeopathy, either as patients or those having treated themselves and their families, often for generations, will not be discouraged.
Are you uninformed or on the hedge about homeopathy? A couple of years ago, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) conducted an in-depth study on the safety of over-the-counter (OTC) remedies over months. The homeopathic community banded together in a comprehensible, intelligent, practical manner and the FDA was content.
Yet, there are some worrying, groundless articles cautioning that homeopathy is toxic or unsafe, which could not be further from the truth. Those who are somehow convinced that teething pills, for instance, might harm their children might be discouraged from ever using this wonderfully safe form of medicine in the future. They would end up using conventional pharmaceutical medications. These could be much more likely to harm their children or, at least to suppress their symptoms.
Those of you who are homeopathy patients, practitioners, or enthusiasts might find the rest of this blog to be something you already know. But it is our effort to present precise information about homeopathy.
Let us compare the contents of homeopathic remedies as opposed to pharmaceuticals or even herbs. First, a substance is taken from nature. Then it is diluted to the point of entire nontoxicity. Let us take Apis (honeybee), for instance. One honeybee is immersed in alcohol for months. Then a mother tincture is prepared as a source for future dilutions. The dilutions are made on either X potencies or a centesimal (C) basis. The likelihood of harmfulness from such a nonmaterial substance is small, if not non-existent. Don’t you remember the oath that all doctors take? First, do no harm – this is the motto of homeopathy.
It would be best if you did not use numerous homeopathic remedies at the same time. It does not matter whether they are administered as pills, liquids, injections, or via machines. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, taught that homeopathic medicine fits the whole person. So, whether or not the individual takes a right or wrong homeopathic remedy, the risk of harm is negligible compared to taking, say, five or ten pharmaceutical drugs in combination. Most homeopathic doctors tell their patients not to change anything else at the same time as beginning a homeopathic remedy, so the effect is clear and not confused. With self-care for acute problems, other natural therapies are encouraged. These natural therapies can work very well in tandem with homeopathic remedies.
Homeopathy is not a sledgehammer. Have you ever heard of that story about the refrigeration specialist? It was a scorching summer day and an extravagant hotel wedding was about to take place when the AC blew. Panic! Moreover, it was a Sunday afternoon! Against all odds, there happened to be one refrigeration wizard available to save the day. (S)he zipped over to the hotel, made a split-second diagnosis, tapped on just the right spot, and bingo, the AC vibrated like a kitten. When the bill came, it was INR 10,000. How could that be? The expert charged INR 100 for tapping and INR 9900 for knowing where to tap. That is the same as homeopathy. Knowing where to tap is the acquaintance of the homeopathic doctor, or the self-prescriber, to understand where to tap. The correct homeopathic remedy gives a gentle push to the vital force to stimulate the healing process. But with conventional medicine, the tendency, more and more, is to provide more potent drugs, in combination, even for minor, acute problems. If you take your three-year-old son to the ER for a cough, he might be left with steroids, inhalers, and antibiotics, and a diagnosis of pre-asthma. This is the opposite of the gentle, customized approach of homeopathy rather than one-size-fits-all.
One of the articles claimed that the teething remedy contained toxic Belladonna (Deadly nightshade). Homeopathic remedies are made from substances in nature. And remember that these substances are diluted to the extent that there is nothing toxic in them.
Those trying to scare the public are either sincerely ignorant or are well aware that there is no real potential danger, neither to babies, pregnant mothers, the elderly, are those who are immune-compromised, from homeopathic remedies. It might be a scare tactic to direct those folks back to conventional medicine, which might be far riskier.
Aggravations are a temporary and short-lasting deteriorating of already existing symptoms after the correct homeopathic remedy. When they occur, they characteristically last 2-5 days (generally ten maximum) and are followed by an overall improvement in the aggravated symptoms and the patient’s overall health. These occur much less frequently. Rather than prescribing a single dose of a 200C or 1M potency of a remedy, homeopathic doctors might use 6C, 12C, or 30C potencies or LM remedies in cases of sensitive patients. Multi-glass methods of administration can even further reduce any reaction to the homeopathic remedy.
One of the important reasons to work with an experienced homeopathic doctor rather than to treat oneself is to decrease any risk of aggravation or reaction, even though the medicines are relatively safe and gentle.
Are you looking for professional homeopathic care? Well, do your homework. Find someone who:
Give the homeopathic doctor at least a year to help you, particularly if you have longstanding or severe health concerns. Not that it will take a year to find your remedy (that is extremely rare), but to allow the effectiveness of homeopathy to unfold over time.
Homeopathic medicines are usually safe for pregnant women. They are derived from plants and minerals and diluted several times. Also, homeopathic medicines are non-addictive and contain negligible amounts of artificial substances. They help relieve everyday problems like morning sickness, constipation, insomnia, heartburn, and back pain. Nevertheless, you should not self-prescribe the medications but visit your nearest homeopathy clinic and see a qualified homeopathic doctor.
Homeopathic experts recommend some medications to help with morning sickness. The general prescriptions include the following:
Homeopathic experts recommend some medications to help with constipation. Homeopathic recommendations include the following:
Homeopathic experts recommend some medications to help with breast tenderness. Here are some recommended homeopathy medicines:
Homeopathic experts recommend some medications to help with backache. General homeopathic recommendations include the following:
Homeopathic experts recommend some medications to help with varicose veins. Here are some common homeopathic medicines:
Homeopathic experts recommend some medications to help with heartburn. Homeopathy medicines for this problem include the following:
Homeopathic experts recommend some medications to help with itching. Here are some of the common homeopathic medicines:
Homeopathic experts recommend some medications to help with urinary problems. Homeopathic recommendations include the following:
Homeopathic experts recommend some medications to help with labor. Common recommendations include:
We strongly believe that you will find homeopathy not only to be remarkably safe but highly effective for all of your health concerns. If you would like to find out how we can help you at OHO Homeopathy, get in touch with us. We would love to hear from you.
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