Categories: Health

How To Treat Psoriasis Naturally?

Psoriasis is a skin disorder that affects up to 2 percent of the population and causes red sores, lesions, flaking, or thickening. The most common areas affected by Psoriasis are your elbows, scalp, knees, and lower back.

A sufferer will have an outbreak at a particular time during their life. Psoriasis is often thought to be genetic because it tends to occur in family members, but it’s also been shown that stress can trigger flare-ups.

There isn’t one specific cause for Psoriasis, as it can be triggered by external and internal factors such as stress levels, diet, and hormones. Although there is no cure for Psoriasis, that doesn’t mean you should just let this condition take over your body without doing anything about it. You can do things to help control your outbreaks, heal quicker, and even get rid of Psoriasis entirely if you follow a few simple steps.

Natural treatment for Psoriasis:

Below are some natural remedies for Psoriasis that work. Take the time to read up on them and try what you think might benefit you most. There is no harm in trying something new, especially when healing skin diseases such as Psoriasis that cause so much pain and suffering sufferers worldwide.

1) Vitamin D3:

This vitamin has been shown to reduce inflammation which helps with symptoms of Psoriasis. This is why doctors recommend taking vitamin D3 supplements during flare-ups. Getting enough sunlight is critical for vitamin D production in the body, so make sure you spend some time outside every day, and if you are deficient, try taking supplements.

2) Probiotics:Â

Taking probiotics has been shown to help people living with Psoriasis by boosting their immune system, improving digestion, and even fighting stress which is a significant cause of skin flare-ups. Probiotics improve your gut flora, turning food into energy more efficiently and protecting against toxins and pathogens in the food we eat. This is one of the most potent natural remedies for Psoriasis.

3) Coconut Oil:

Coconut oil has strong anti-inflammatory properties, and it’s a good moisturizer, so rubbing coconut oil on your skin can help reduce redness, itching, and burning caused by flare-ups. Mixing coconut with baking soda and applying it to the skin also works well because baking soda helps exfoliate dead skin cells, which will keep your skin feeling soft. To make this mixture, mix 1/2 cup baking soda with two tablespoons of melted coconut oil in a small bowl or container, then apply as often as you need to keep your symptoms under control. Don’t use raw honey on open wounds because it contains bacteria that could cause infections if applied directly to the skin. Honey is great for your internal health, though, so use it to keep your gut healthy if you have a flare-up.

4) Garlic:Â

Garlic is full of antioxidants that fight infection, which is why people use it all the time to treat colds and flu. It also helps stimulate white blood cells, an essential part of our immune systems, fighting off infection and boosting general health. You can juice garlic cloves or eat them raw, but it’s best not to boil them because this removes vital enzymes and nutrients from the garlic bulb, making it less effective for treating Psoriasis. Drinking a cup of garlic tea every day will help reduce outbreaks and stop existing sores from becoming infected, allowing faster healing. Try using ginger as well, as this is another natural remedy for Psoriasis that works well as an anti-inflammatory.

5) Apple Cider Vinegar:

 Apple Cider vinegar has been shown in studies to reduce the number of flare-ups by 30%, and it also reduces the severity of each outbreak. The good bacteria found in apple cider vinegar can also help improve your digestive health, which improves your immune system.

6) Baking Soda Baths:Â

Baking soda baths are a popular home remedy for people living with Psoriasis. Soak in a hot water bath with 1 cup baking soda added to it and wash the affected areas after getting out of the bath. This can help relieve itching and pain caused by flare-ups. Just make sure you don’t directly apply the baking soda to your open wounds, as this could burn your skin.

7) Fish Oil:

Taking fish oil has been shown to reduce inflammation that causes flare-ups. You should take 3 grams of fish oil per day regularly even if you don’t have symptoms to prevent outbreaks from occurring. Eating cold-water fish such as salmon and mackerel will also help your general health.

8) Seaweed:Â

Eating seaweed can improve your digestion, reducing the severity of psoriasis flares. Go for nori sheets or wakame sea vegetables, as these are both high in essential vitamins and minerals that will help boost your immune system and keep you healthy all year round. Also, try drinking organic kefir, a fermented milk product packed with probiotics that support good bacteria inside the gut, again helping to strengthen your immune system.

9) Water:

 Drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated because dehydration can increase the severity of symptoms caused by flare-ups when combined with stress or a poor diet. Also, take regular showers or baths in lukewarm water since cold water will cause skin dryness, yet another trigger for psoriasis outbreaks. Cold winter months are likely to be the worst time for sufferers as it’s harder to stay properly hydrated and warm while being exposed to more allergens than usual.

10) Turmeric:Â

Take turmeric every day as an anti-inflammatory agent to reduce flare-ups. You need to take at least 8 grams of turmeric a day for maximum results, which is the equivalent of 1 teaspoon mixed with honey and pepper or taken with a glass of warm milk.

11) Papaya:Â

Papaya contains antioxidants that work well against psoriasis symptoms. Eat fresh papaya every day instead of taking supplements since it’s easier for your body to absorb all the goodness without any nasty side effects like heartburn or stomach aches.

12) Tea Tree Oil:Â

Apply some tea tree oil to any skin areas affected by Psoriasis and rub it into the skin for best results. The anti-inflammatory effect of this essential oil will help reduce redness and irritation. Use as often as possible since it’s a great all-rounder for treating most types of skin conditions.

13) Ginger:Â

Ginger is another natural herb that helps ease inflammation in the body, preventing flare-ups from occurring. It has also been proven to help reduce symptoms in sufferers, so make sure you add ginger to your food whenever possible, especially if you want to avoid getting sores caused by inflammation.

14) Oatmeal:Â

Oatmeal is an excellent home remedy for people living with Psoriasis because it contains compounds called beta-glucans which have been proven to boost the immune system and reduce inflammation in the body. Try mixing organic oatmeal into your bathwater, or you could make an oatmeal paste with some baking soda added to it to relieve itching.

15) Vitamin E:Â

Apply vitamin e oil topically over any skin affected by Psoriasis to help soothe pain and itchiness. This natural antioxidant is found inside most fruits and vegetables, so add more of these types of foods into your diet as a good source of additional vitamin e.

16) Clay Packs:

Try using a clay pack (diluted Add to your bath water for some relief from itching, bathing with oatmeal almost daily will help improve your skin and reduce the severity of symptoms.

15)Grapefruit Seed Extract:Â

This essential oil has been proven as an effective treatment for various skin conditions, including Psoriasis. Take ten drops three times per day before meals for best results, which should improve over a week since it works best when taken internally and rubbed into the skin.

16)Meditation and Yoga:

Relaxing meditation techniques will help reduce stress, one of the biggest triggers for skin flare-ups in those with Psoriasis. Practicing slow yoga poses will also bring about a level of well-being that can help strengthen your body’s immune system and keep it functioning at peak performance.

17)Green Tea:Â

Drink plenty of green tea since research has proven this drink contains compounds called EGCG’s which can boost the immune system and fight any infections or viruses that lead to flare-ups. For best results, drink at least 3 cups daily for a few weeks until your symptoms start to fade away.


 Drinking freshly squeezed lemon water will keep you properly hydrated, which is essential since dry skin can make psoriasis symptoms worse. Take fresh lemon in a glass of warm water and take it in the morning before breakfast each day. It leaves plenty of time for the body to absorb all the goodness throughout the day without interfering with dinner later. Also, try adding some honey, but don’t use sugar since that will only worsen your condition instead of helping it get better over time.

19) Moisturize and wrap:Â

Keep your skin hydrated by applying a good moisturizer to any dry areas caused by flare-ups. Soothing aloe vera gel has been proven as an effective treatment for Psoriasis with olive oil, apple cider vinegar, and coconut oil. Another excellent home remedy for healing flakiness is to make homemade oatmeal soap or buy some from a local store; adding baking soda and sea salt will help draw moisture out of the skin, which should ease itching over time.

20) Omega 3 Fatty Acids:Â

Taking fish oil supplements has been proven as a powerful way to reduce the severity of symptoms while also strengthening your immune system, which will help keep lesions and sores from forming in the first place.

21)Specific Herbs:Â

Chamomile, ginseng, sage, licorice root, and green tea are all great healing herbs that you can add to your diet for some additional relief from skin flare-ups. Just make sure not to take too many substances high in Saponin’s or polyphenols since these natural compounds have been proven to negatively affect those with Psoriasis by increasing inflammation in their bodies.

22)Vitamin C:

 Take vitamin c supplements daily because it’s one of the essential nutrients when it comes to boosting your immune system. This vitamin is a powerful antioxidant that will help strengthen your body’s natural defenses against all kinds of harmful bacteria, viruses, or other pathogens that might be causing flare-ups in those with Psoriasis.


Topical zinc creams and ointments can bring about some relief from itching while also reducing inflammation. Just rub some into any affected areas daily for best results since research studies have proved this mineral reduces symptoms by up to 30% over 12 weeks. For maximum benefit, drink plenty of citrus fruits or juices since these foods contain high amounts of bioflavonoids, improving absorption through the stomach wall.

24)Cooling Compress:Â

Use a homemade cool compress by soaking a towel in ice water, wrapping it around any affected areas for 10 minutes, and then repeating the process several times throughout the day. This will help reduce inflammation and ease itching while also cooling down red patches on your skin, which can cause flare-ups to become worse instead of better over time.

25)Homeopathy natural treatment for Psoriasis:

 Homeopathy has, by far, the best track record for treating a wide variety of complex skin diseases, such as Psoriasis. Most cases require long time to cure, but usually, there is no relapse once cured. It is best over the conventional treatment method as it is natural, safe, and less likely to cause side effects. The treatment is successful only if given under a qualified homeopathic doctor who has quite good experience in treating this skin disease. In India, the use of Homeopathy for treating Psoriasis is most common. It would help if you considered visiting a homeopathic doctor for treating Psoriasis. Proper treatment could only be given by a homeopathic doctor who is aware of the actual cause and pathogenesis of the disease. Besides this, the homeopathic doctor also knows how to choose the correct remedy based on your different symptoms and his understanding through clinical trials with various treatments over the years. Such an experienced Homeopath not only treats your present condition but also prevents the disease from reoccurring. You can book your appointment today through OHO Homeopathy for more information.

Homeopathy Doctor

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Homeopathy Doctor

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