Categories: Eczema

How to stop eczema itching immediately?

I know you are not alone with this kind of frustrating condition because millions of people suffer from itchy skin like me and desperately searching for an effective remedy such as natural treatment or home remedies that can provide immediate itch relief or at least reduce the symptoms. Itching caused by eczema can be very annoying and even interfere with your sleep. Eczema is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that causes redness, dryness, swelling, and itching (pruritus). The symptoms can appear on any part of the body but most commonly occur on the face, hands, and feet. It also affects young children and adults, especially those with a family history of eczema or asthma. Let’s know a little more about eczema and ways to stop eczema itching immediately.
Eczema – An Introduction

  • It’s commonly referred to as Atopic Dermatitis. It can appear anywhere on the skin where there are skin folds. The symptoms of atopic dermatitis include red bumps or patches, which leak fluid and become crusty or scaly.
  • These symptoms give rise to intense itching (pruritus). Eczema is not contagious; however, it’s often inherited in families with asthma and hay fever. Also, people who suffer from other types of allergies will usually have eczema.
  • Though the reason for developing this condition is unknown, some researchers believe that when someone has an allergic reaction, it causes inflammation in their body when they contact different substances like dust, pollen, certain foods, chemicals, soaps, detergents, etc.
  • Eczema is not contagious; however, it’s often inherited in families with asthma and hay fever. Also, people who suffer from other types of allergies will usually have eczema.
  • Though the reason for developing this condition is unknown, some researchers believe that when someone has an allergic reaction, it causes inflammation in their body when they come in contact with different substances like dust, pollen, certain foods, chemicals, soap, laundry detergents, etc.
  • The most common cause of eczema is genetics (inherited tendency to develop atopic dermatitis due to having genes passed down by parents). However, there are many other causes such as irritants (e.g., water), allergy to soaps, bacteria, viruses, genetic conditions (e.g., acne), etc.

Itching is one of the most common symptoms of eczema. It occurs when your immune system mistakes harmless substances like pollen, mold, or animal dander for dangerous pathogens and releases histamines to fight them off. Histamine causes itchiness by triggering skin cells called “mast cells” to release chemicals such as serotonin that irritate the nerve endings in the skin. This results in redness and itching (pruritus).
Natural Treatment or Home Remedies to Stop Eczema Itching
Today I will share with you some practical natural treatment ideas that can help stop eczema itching quickly. However, there is no quick fix for this condition. The best way to deal with eczema is through prevention and preparation by controlling the triggers of itching. Here are ten home remedies for instant itch relief from eczema :
1. Use a humidifier
Use a humidifier in your room when it’s cold and dry outside because air conditioning dries out the skin even more.
2. Drink water regularly
Drinking plenty of water not only helps you stay hydrated but also is crucial when managing any skin condition, especially one as itchy as atopic dermatitis.
3. Use cool compresses
You can place a wet washcloth over itchy areas of your skin affected by eczema to bring instant relief from the itching (pruritus). Cool compresses also help reduce inflammation and swelling in affected areas, which can cause further irritation to your skin.
4. Moisturize well
To provide long-lasting relief from itchiness:
Make sure you apply an emollient or moisturizing cream, especially during the night when the air is dry. The cream should be hypoallergenic and fragrance-free.
Avoid products with alcohol because they can worsen redness caused due to eczema by drying out the skin.
Avoid using creams that contain corticosteroids because they can thin the skin if used for a long time.
5. Avoid scratching the affected area
Scratching your atopic dermatitis-affected skin can worsen any existing rashes and cause new ones to appear. Scratching also breaks the skin barrier, allowing bacteria to enter into the eczema lesions and make them even itchier. Along with taking preventive measures such as avoiding scratching, try not to rub or scrub your skin too hard when you bathe or shower, which might lead to broken capillaries in the dermis (the second layer of human skin) and give rise to redness. Also, avoid boiling water during baths, showers, or when washing your hands.
6. Use coconut oil:
Coconut oil is one of the most helpful home remedies for eczema relief. It acts as a good moisturizer, giving instant relief to your itchy skin by locking in moisture. Coconut oil also has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that prevent further rashes on affected areas of your skin due to atopic dermatitis.
7. Take an antihistamine pill
If your itching is triggered by exposure to an allergen (e.g., dust mites), you might be able to relieve its effects with medications called antihistamines. They do not cure atopic dermatitis but can provide relief from itching and redness by blocking histamine release in your body, which is responsible for triggering the sensation of itchiness.
8. Use a cream with corticosteroids:
Suppose home remedies cannot relieve your eczema-related pruritus. In that case, you might need hydrocortisone cream (also known as topical steroids), which is an effective drug for reducing inflammation and irritation caused due to allergies or skin disorders such as atopic dermatitis. However, these creams should only be used on small areas of inflamed skin during short periods (three days). Prolonged use can thin the skin and lead to stretch marks (striae), mainly if you use it on your face or other sensitive areas such as the groin and armpits.
9. Use Aloe vera:
Aloe vera contains quercetin, an antioxidant that acts as a natural antihistamine and prevents the release of histamine in your body. Along with this, aloe vera has antibacterial properties that help heal your atopic dermatitis-affected skin.
10. Use apple cider vinegar:
Mix one part water to one part apple cider vinegar (ACV) and apply it directly on the affected area using cotton balls for immediate relief from itching. Avoid applying ACV straight on the skin because it might irritate if left there for too long. However, you can mix it with other lotions or creams before applying them to your skin to lower its acidity levels without diluting its effectiveness.
11. Use green tea:
Green tea contains flavonoids that have anti-inflammatory properties. These chemicals are known to relieve itching by suppressing histamine production in your body. They also help lower the thickness of the skin barrier, which might be abnormally high on affected areas due to atopic dermatitis or other skin disorders such as psoriasis. Green tea also has catechins, which are antioxidants that act as antihistamines.
12. Use oatmeal:
Oatmeal contains avenanthramides, which are chemicals that help reduce the itchiness and inflammation of atopic dermatitis. Avenanthramides have a potent antioxidant property that reduces itching by suppressing histamine release in your body during an eczema flare-up.
13. Apply baking soda paste:
Baking soda offers instant relief from pruritus due to its ability to soothe skin irritations such as those caused by poison ivy or bug bites, or rashes caused due to eczema. In a bowl, mix half a cup of baking soda with enough water to form a thick, smooth paste. Stir well until the baking soda has blended thoroughly with water. Apply it on your skin using your fingers, and leave it on for up to 30 minutes before rinsing with lukewarm water.
14. Use clove oil:
One of the most effective home remedies for eczema itching is clove oil, which contains eugenol — a compound with anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce redness and irritation caused by atopic dermatitis flare-ups in people with allergies or hypersensitivities to certain substances in the environment such as dust or pollen. You can apply two to three drops of clove oil directly on affected areas and repeat this process every one hour ( to five times a day) for fast relief from itchiness.
15.Use baking soda, vinegar, and olive oil:
Baking soda with apple cider vinegar works wonders on eczema-affected areas because both have properties that reduce the thickness of the skin barrier that is usually abnormally thick in affected regions due to atopic dermatitis or other skin diseases such as psoriasis. These chemicals also act as antihistamines by reducing histamine production at the site of inflammation, which helps prevent itching caused by eczema flare-ups. Olive oil is rich in phenolic compounds called oleocanthal, which has strong anti-inflammatory properties similar to ibuprofen (a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug). Together, these ingredients have a soothing, cooling effect on the skin.
What are the ways to prevent itching due to eczema?

  1. Use mild soap:
    To keep your eczema flare-ups under control, you need to opt for a nonallergenic hygiene product that is meant for sensitive skin. Ensure to cleanse excess water from the affected area after washing with mild soap or cleanser instead of drying it with a rough towel. Use lukewarm water that is not too hot or cold on your skin, as this will only aggravate your itching problem.
  1. Moisturize your affected areas regularly:
    After cleansing, apply moisturizer on the affected region to prevent further dryness and cracking of the skin barrier. Choose moisturizers containing ceramides because they work effectively in treating atopic dermatitis by reducing the production of histamine.
  1. Wear loose-fitting clothes:
    Avoid wearing tight clothes made out of synthetic fabrics to keep your eczema flare-ups in check. Drawstring pants and pantyhose should be your last choice if you must wear any clothing that causes itching on affected regions. It will aggravate the problem by further obstructing the movement of air around the area.
  1. Use cotton clothes:
    Cotton fabric provides optimum airflow around the affected region, preventing itching by preventing excessive sweating due to heat retention. At the same time, it helps soothe redness or irritation on eczema-affected areas because of its characteristic ability to absorb excess water from the skin upon contact. It also maintains an ideal pH level for skin cells to work correctly without undergoing drastic changes that can ultimately lead to allergic or hypersensitivity flare-ups in atopic skin patients.
  1. Wash your clothes with eczema-safe detergent:
    Make sure to get rid of synthetic clothing and opt for a hypoallergenic kind that is free from perfumes, dyes, and other chemicals that can aggravate itching during eczema flare-ups. Treat the affected area immediately after washing clothes to prevent further inflammation or irritation caused by detergents or fabric softeners. The use of gentle laundry detergent is essential as it will not irritate sensitive skin prone to allergic reactions and hypersensitivity flare-ups due to eczema.
  1. Use humidifiers:
    Use a humidifier to keep the air around your house or office a bit damper. This will help prevent dryness from air-conditioning and heater circulation that is usually found in moist environments. Humidifiers also have antihistamine properties, just like baking soda and vinegar, that help reduce the itching sensation caused by eczema flare-ups due to their ability to combat inflammation, hydrate dry skin cells, and alleviate itchiness within minutes of use.
  1. Drink water:
    Drinking aqua or any other form of pure drinking water helps boost the hydration level of your skin cells, which is a great way to prevent eczema flare-ups. It also hydrates the digestive tract and prevents constipation that can aggravate itching sensations in atopic derma patients.
  1. Avoid potential allergens:
    Make sure to avoid contact with irritants or potential allergens that can worsen eczema and its associated symptoms. These include fragrances, household detergents, fabric softeners, and other chemicals that can aggravate itching during allergy flare-ups.
  1. Stay fit:
    Exercise regularly to promote optimal blood circulation throughout your body while allowing sufficient rest for your skin cells to regenerate and repair themselves naturally without any outside interference like synthetic lotions that only aggravate the problem even more.
  1. Take medications prescribed by your doctor:
    Seek professional medical help if your eczema flares up to control itching. Severe flare-ups can lead to further complications like infection in the affected region, so it is always advisable to treat them immediately to lessen the chances of allergic hypersensitivity reactions on your part. You can also visit a homeopathy doctor. Homeopathic treatment for eczema effectively treats itching because it focuses on its root cause which is usually intolerance to specific types of food, stress, or other environmental factors. The use of chemical-based treatment can worsen eczema flare-ups because they contain harsh chemicals that hinder the growth of natural flora on skin cells’ surfaces which causes allergic reactions. For more information, you can book an appointment with a homeopathy doctor through OHO Homeopathy!
Homeopathy Doctor

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Homeopathy Doctor

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