Categories: Health

Common Acne Types You Should Know

Acne has become a common problem in society today. Almost everyone has experienced it in one way or another, whether during adolescence or in their adult life. There are different acne types, each producing its symptoms and requiring treatment that only professionals can provide. The most common acne types are blackheads, whiteheads, papules, pustules, nodules, and cystic lesions.

Blackheads result when sebum (oil produced by the skin) gets oxidized due to exposure to air; this gives them their dark color. This causes the pores to appear darker than the rest of the skin’s surface around them. They are usually found in forehead areas that experience more oil secretion. These parts don’t have many hair follicles, which is a skin condition that causes pimples, blackheads, or whiteheads.

There are several types of acne, but the most common one is known as “acne vulgaris.” It can affect anyone at any age, even babies. Acne vulgaris is different from other types in terms of its cause and treatment. There’s no need to panic if you have acne because it usually goes away with proper self-care practices.

What are the different types of acne?

  1. Whiteheads (closed comedones): Whiteheads do not look like pimples; they look like small dots on your face. They are tiny bumps that develop when sebum gets trapped within the hair follicle, causing inflammation underneath the skin.
  2. Blackheads (open comedones): Blackheads are small bumps with dark spots caused by the same sebum and dead skin buildup as whiteheads, except that they are available at one end, so the trapped oils can be exposed to air, making it look black.
  3. Papules: These are red, inflamed pimples usually found on the skin’s surface. They may cause mild pain or tenderness if pressed upon. The causes of spots include inflammation of hair follicles by bacterial infection or irritation or plugged-up pores that trap the oil inside the pore. If your acne worsens after using over-the-counter acne treatment products for several weeks, you might need to consult a dermatologist to help you with your condition. The earlier it is treated, the better and faster results you will get.
  4. Pustules:Also known as papulopustular, these are small red bumps filled with pus. If one pustule forms on the face, there will usually be others around it since acne occurs in clusters once an infection has spread deep into the skin’s layers. This type of acne is excruciating because the oil that has been trapped within your pores causes intense irritation from exposure to oxygen which leads to inflammation underneath the skin surface, resulting in painful itching and burning sensations.
  5. Nodules: These are large, solid pimples or cysts under your skin that swell up and cause severe pain. It is more likely to occur when the bacteria has spread deep into your skin’s layers and becomes very inflamed and infected. Nodules usually appear around your chin, jawline, neck, and upper back because these body parts have larger oil-producing glands than other areas.
  6. Cystic acne: Also known as cystic lesions, it occurs when a pore becomes blocked by oil that has seeped deep into the skin. This causes irritation which manifests on your skin as pus-filled bumps or lashes that are painful and sore, just like nodules.

How are acne types treated? 

1) Blackheads

Blackheads are caused by excess oil seeping into the skin’s surface. Treat this type of acne by exfoliating your face regularly to scrub away dirt, bacteria, and dead skin cells. Cleanse your face every night before going to bed using a mild cleanser, apply benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid after washing it off, then top with a moisturizer containing hyaluronic acid, which helps maintain hydration in your pores.

A well-rounded diet is also believed to help treat blackheads because specific vitamins have properties that could be effective against the formation of acne. Two examples are vitamin A and B12. You can eat more foods rich in vitamin A, such as sweet potatoes, carrots, eggs, and yogurt. Increase your intake of foods containing B12, including beef, tuna, fish, lamb, yogurt, whole milk, cheese, and eggs, to boost healthy cells within the body.

2) Whiteheads

Do not try to pop or squeeze whiteheads because it may only push sebum deeper into your skin’s layers which can cause infections like acne vulgaris later on. Treat this type of acne by cleansing your face every morning and night with black soap to remove excess oil buildup on your skin, then apply tea tree oil or lemon juice to dry out the infection. It would help if you used an ointment containing salicylic acid at night to kill the bacteria, then use a moisturizer that has hyaluronic acid to keep your pores hydrated during the day.

3) Papules

To treat pimples, apply a moisturizer that contains benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid, then top it off with sunscreen before going out. Benzoyl peroxide promotes the shedding of dead skin cells and kills acne-causing bacteria. At the same time, salicylic acid works by penetrating deep into your skin’s layers to unclog pores and clear away excess oil buildup. You can also drink more water throughout the day to speed up the healing of your acne. Remember, staying hydrated will help strengthen your immune system against future infections and keep your skin hydrated.

4) Pustules

Just like papules, you should also apply a moisturizer that contains benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid, then top it off with sunscreen before going out. Benzoyl peroxide promotes the shedding of dead skin cells and kills acne-causing bacteria. At the same time, salicylic acid works by penetrating deep into your skin’s layers to unclog pores and clear away excess oil buildup. You can also drink more water throughout the day to speed up the healing of your acne. Remember, staying hydrated will help strengthen your immune system against future infections and keep your skin hydrated.

5) Nodules and cystic acne

These types of acne are very severe that they can cause permanent scarring on your skin if you fail to treat them properly. Treat this type of acne by applying benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid on the infected area, then use tretinoin cream or alprazolam to flatten inflamed acne lesions. It would help if you also discussed with a doctor about getting isotretinoin, a stronger version of vitamin A that could help stop hyperkeratinization of the follicle lining, BHA, and azelaic acid.

How are acne types prevented? 

  1. Wash your face every morning and night

Washing your face regularly with lukewarm water can help prevent acne by unclogging your pores of dirt, bacteria, and oil buildup. Keep in mind that hot water could strip away natural oils from your skin, so it’s best to use either warm or cold water when washing your face. If possible, you should stay away from harsh facial cleansers that may damage the development of healthy cells on their surface.

  1. Stay hydrated throughout the day

Drinking more than eight glasses of water per day is very beneficial for your body and skin. Water helps in strengthening our immune system against infections which in return protects us from developing acne. It also contains properties that are capable of dissolving sebum which is the leading cause of acne.

  1. Exercise daily

Getting enough exercise will not only improve your physical health, but it can also make you feel good on the inside too. Regular exercising helps prevent excess sebum production while strengthening your immune system against future infections that may cause acne. It also strengthens blood capillaries while boosting lymphatic flow, reducing skin inflammation, and stimulating optimal wound healing.

  1. Eat foods that contain high levels of vitamin B12

Foods that contain B12 are beef, tuna fish, lamb, yogurt, whole milk, cheese, and eggs. Increasing intake of these foods can help produce more healthy cells within the body, so it’s best to add them into your diet regularly.

  1. Eat foods that contain high levels of vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is present in beans and lentils, pork, salmon fish, bananas, brown rice, chicken, eggs, and whole-wheat bread. Vitamin B6 has properties that help produce sex hormones that regulate oil production to prevent acne breakouts.

  1. Eat foods that contain high levels of vitamin A

Vitamin A is present in codfish, milk, cheese, butter, carrots, pumpkin seeds, and cantaloupe melon. Consuming enough Vitamin A daily is beneficial for your hair, skin, and nails. It can also help prevent acne development because it contains properties capable of exfoliating dead cells within your pores to unclog them.

  1. Drink more water throughout the day

Drinking more than eight glasses of water per day will not only keep you hydrated but can also clean out your blood vessels, so they stay free of blockage. Drinking lots of water enhances circulation, which can heal wounds faster while preventing hypertrophic scars from forming.

  1. Avoid touching your face with objects that carry dirt and bacteria

Avoid using cellphones, hats, backpacks, or any other entity that may transfer bacteria to your skin, as this could lead to breakouts. Please keep these things away from your face as much as possible because they can also cause acne development due to friction and sweat buildup on the surface of your skin.

  1. Clean washcloths and towels often 

Utensils such as washcloths and towels used for applying facial cleansers or moisturizers should be thoroughly washed after each use to avoid transferring dirt and oil buildup onto the newly cleansed parts of your body.

  1. Only apply makeup after carefully cleansing your face

Makeup is proven to clog pores, so it should only be used after your skin has been fully edited. This is especially true for people prone to skin breakouts, so it’s best to apply makeup only after thoroughly washing your face.

  1. Go for homeopathic treatment

Homeopathic treatment is a safe and effective way to cure or control any skin diseases that may affect your body. It’s been around since the 19th century, so you can’t deny its effectiveness when it comes to curing different types of skin infections.

How homeopathic acne treatment is the right choice of acne:

– Homeopathic treatment is safe to use:

Homeopathic treatment is proven to be safe when it comes to skin conditions. It has been tested and established in the Philippines and worldwide that homeopathy can treat or cure skin infections without causing any adverse reactions on your end.

– Homeopathic treatment doesn’t cause allergies:

Allergic reactions are common side effects of modern medicine like antibiotics and other chemical-based treatments. These kinds of medication can cause rashes on the skin, swelling, headache, nausea, vomiting, respiratory problems, and even severe damage to some internal organs.

– Homeopathic treatment is natural skincare for acne:

Homeopathic treatment is composed of natural ingredients like plant extracts and other essential oils proven to cure the most stubborn acne without causing any more breakouts.

– Homeopathy treats skin conditions rather than just suppressing them:

Modern medicine includes topical and oral medications that only temporarily treat the symptoms of acne, which in turn comes back even worse. On the other hand, homeopathy is proven to treat skin conditions permanently, so you won’t have to worry about future breakouts anytime soon.

– Homeopathic treatment for acne skin is cost-effective:

Homeopathic medications are less expensive than modern treatments for skin conditions like antibiotics, topical creams, and gels, which can amount to thousands of dollars when purchased over the counter.

-Homeopathic treatment will prevent forming the scars:

Homeopathic medications are proven to prevent the formation of hypertrophic scars when it comes to treating acne conditions. These scars will not only cause blemishes on your skin, but they can also ruin your self-confidence in no time at all.

You can get rid of any acne. You can visit a homeopathy doctor, and they will prescribe the correct medication for your skin. You can book an appointment through OHO Homeopathy, and we have a homeopathy doctor who will recommend the best treatment for you.

Homeopathy Doctor

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Homeopathy Doctor

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