Categories: Skin

Can Aloe Vera Remove Pimples?

It is amazing how you never thought of it before. I was sitting in the bathroom. I had a pimple on my forehead, which always wanted to grow but could not because of the care I took to pamper its wound with moisturizers and bandages. It was there for about three months, teasing me, asking me what more could be done for it; one day, I got fed up and decided that enough is enough, I must get rid of that once and for all.

But then this identical aloe vera comes along and says, ‘Hey! Let’s remove your pimple together!’ It didn’t mean removing my zit but pampering my skin so well that it went away on its own. I was too taken aback even to reply!

The next day I applied aloe vera gel on my pimple and waited for a miracle to happen. And wouldn’t you believe it, the very next morning when I woke up, there was no more zit !! Not only had it vanished, but it also left no trace of swelling or redness. As if nothing ever happened in the first place!! I can never thank aloe vera gel enough for this work it did. It is just so amazing how something so simple has such great benefits.

What is Aloe vera?

Aloe vera, commonly known as the medicine plant, is used to treat different skin problems. This miracle plant reduces inflammations and treats acne by removing all the dirt accumulated in your pores. It also removes dead cells from the surface of your skin and unclogs blocked pores which are responsible for excess sebum production. Aloe vera has a cooling effect that reduces redness and prevents peeling. It eases the burning sensation and soothes skin rashes and allergies too. No wonder it is used in most skincare products! That was what aloe vera was up to. The miracles it does are endless.

What are the benefits of using Aloe vera for acne?

  1. Aloe vera soothes skin and reduces redness.
  2. It helps remove dead cells from the surface of your skin and unclogs blocked pores which are responsible for excess sebum production.
  3. Aloe vera has a cooling effect that reduces redness and prevents peeling. It eases the burning sensation and also treats rashes and allergies.
  4. Aloe vera contains anti-inflammatory properties that help us deal with inflamed acne-prone skin, mainly when used topically as a gel or cream to apply directly on the affected area! It is proven to speed up healing time by 50%.

How does Aloe vera treat pimples? 

Aloe vera reduces inflammation by detoxifying your skin; anti-bacterial properties inhibit microbial growth, thus preventing breakout. It also has Vitamin C, which blood circulation, revitalize dull skin, and brighten up your complexion.

Aloe vera hydrates skin and prevents peeling by repairing the damaged skin barrier. It has a cooling effect on inflamed acne-prone skin, which soothes irritation and reduces redness. Aloe vera also contains anti-inflammatory properties that help us deal with inflamed acne-prone skin, mainly when used topically as a gel or cream to apply directly on the affected area! It is proven to speed up healing time by 50%. Plus, its anti-bacterial properties attack the bacteria that cause acne and help reduce swelling, thus quickly treating pimples.

How to use aloe vera for acne?

Aloe vera is relatively easy to use. It can be used in many ways, but most commonly, it is used as a moisturizer, cleanser, or mask by applying it directly on the skin. Here are some valuable tips for using aloe vera for acne:

  1. Aloe vera can be used as a moisturizer by simply applying it on your face and neck after washing up! It will prevent drying and keep your skin healthy. Make sure to use cold-pressed aloe vera gel as the whole thing is better than powdered extracts of it
  2. You can also use aloe vera as a cleanser by mixing the fresh pulp with an equal amount of water, dipping a cotton ball into this mixture, and applying it on your face gently in small circular movements for 2 minutes to remove dirt effectively! It is very gentle yet effective !!
  3. For oily skin, you can prepare an aloe vera juice or gel mask made up of 1 mashed ripe banana, three tablespoons of aloe vera gel/juice, one tablespoon of honey and three drops of tea tree oil. Apply on your face and allow it to sit for 20 minutes before washing off with cool water
  4. To get rid of pimples, make a mixture of fresh pulp (1teaspoon) or juice (2 teaspoons) with six drops each of lemon essential oil, lavender essential oil, and geranium essential oil plus one teaspoon of raw honey. Apply this mixture generously on acne-prone skin, then leave it for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with warm water, then apply moisturizer. You can also follow up by dabbing some pure vitamin E oil on the affected area!
  5. Aloe vera can be used to heal sunburn, chapped lips and other minor skin burns too! Applying it directly to the burnt area will provide instant relief. For this, you can use cold-pressed aloe vera gel or slice open a leaf and rub it on your skin

What are the things to keep in mind before using aloe vera for acne?

  1. Never use the aloe vera gel or juice that comes in a bottle and never refrigerate it; these products contain irritating ingredients and preservatives, which only create more harm than good! It is also highly processed, so it is best to get fresh organic aloe vera leaf and prepare your own homemade aloe vera gel or juice
  2. Aloe vera contains citric acid, which may cause skin irritation, especially on sensitive skin types; for this reason, always do a patch test before using any product containing aloe vera
  3. If you are on acne medications such as Accutane/Isotretinoin or oral contraceptives, avoid using high concentrations of Vitamin C (which is found in aloe vera) as it increases the skin’s sensitivity to sunlight. Consult your dermatologist before using aloe vera
  4. Always buy cold-pressed aloe vera gel and juice in glass containers. Most of the “aloe” products in markets contain artificial coloring and preservatives, so they are less effective than fresh organic ones
  5. Aloe vera is considered a natural product, so don’t expect overnight results! It takes time to heal acne and brighten the skin, especially when lightening blemishes and marks on dark skin types. However, regular use will show visible improvements over time which you will love!!

How to use aloe vera with other natural remedies for acne treatment?

  • Aloe vera, lemon juice, and cucumber mixed are perfect for oily skin types! They help regulate the secretion of sebum, control acne breakouts, and tighten pores! This can be done by mixing 1/2 tablespoon each of freshly made aloe vera juice, lemon juice, and cucumber juice. Apply on the affected area for 20-25 minutes, then rinse off. This can be done 2-3 times a week.
  • Aloe vera, sandalwood powder, and turmeric are very effective in healing acne scars! This blend will stimulate blood circulation to the affected area plus improve complexion by reducing pigmentation. For this, you need to grind sandalwood into a fine powder, add one teaspoon of this sandalwood powder with 1/2 tablespoon each of aloe vera gel/juice and turmeric, and mix well refrigerate it for 5 minutes before using. Apply on the affected area twice daily. If sandalwood is not available, you can use essential oil instead, which has excellent antibacterial properties!
  • Aloe vera with cinnamon works miracles on oily skin types because it has excellent antibacterial properties that are proven to control acne breakouts and reduce the appearance of scars! This can be done by mixing one tablespoon of freshly made aloe vera juice, cinnamon powder, and raw honey. Apply 2-3 times a day for best results
  • Aloe vera gel with milk is one of the best natural moisturizers you can use daily on your skin. It contains lactic acid to open up pores while providing all-day hydration! You need to mix equal parts of fresh aloe vera gel and fresh milk. Apply this mixture to the affected area, then rinse it off after 10 minutes
  • Aloe vera mixed with coconut oil for dry skin types will provide optimum hydration without leaving any greasy residue. This can be done by mixing one tablespoon of coconut oil and fresh aloe vera gel. Apply this daily on the affected area, and you will see great results within a few weeks!
  • Aloe gel is known for its sun protection properties, so using it with your sunscreen will ensure you get even better results! It also prevents your skin from getting dark spots that are difficult to remove. For bad acne breakouts, you can use aloe vera with the following ingredients :
  • One tablespoon of milk cream
  • Two tablespoons of fresh aloe gel or juice
  • 2-3 drops of neroli essential oil (optional) Apply this mixture on cleansed skin every alternate day for eight weeks and see your pimples disappear!
  • Aloe Vera with honey is a great way to moisturize and reduce acne scars! For this, you need two tablespoons of pure aloe gel or juice, one teaspoon of honey, and 10 drops of lavender essential oil. Mix them and apply them on the skin for 20 minutes before washing off with cool water.

Are there any side effects of aloe vera?

As with any medicinal product, some people may experience allergic reactions. Aloe has been used for thousands of years and is considered safe – even if taken orally – provided that it is fresh and not processed. However, this doesn’t mean that it is entirely harmless:

People who have a known allergy to aloe vera should be careful when using the gel as there is a possibility of an allergic reaction.

If you are taking blood-thinning or anticoagulant medications or suffering from bleeding disorders such as hemophilia, consult your doctor before using aloe vera juice, as it can interact with certain medicines. Since it contains anthraquinone, use cautiously diabetic patients too since studies show that they can increase the activity of aloe.

Aloe Vera is safe for pregnant women, but the gel should only be applied to the skin and never taken internally. Studies have shown that if taken in large doses, it can lead to miscarriage, so it should be avoided during pregnancy.

What if aloe vera is not working for acne?

Aloe vera is just one of the many natural ingredients available for skincare. Aloe vera may not work on your acne if you suffer from hormonal imbalances, stress, or your acne is caused due to a dietary allergic reaction.

If you use aloe vera and it does not seem to make any difference, don’t give up! You can try homeopathic acne treatment. These natural treatments will deal with your acne and remove scars and prevent them from coming back.

Homeopathic acne treatment is a great way to get rid of pimples naturally. It involves prescribing potent, highly diluted medicines to stimulate the body’s healing process without side effects!

The best part about homeopathy is that once your skin problem has been treated, you won’t have to worry about it again since the remedies finally address the root cause of the problem, unlike conventional acne treatments, which only focus on short-term solutions. In simple terms, homeopathic remedies offer permanent results by treating the underlying cause. Homeopathy doctors have a holistic approach when it comes to treating acne. Homeopathy for Acne treatment focuses on four aspects: the physical symptoms of acne, emotional symptoms, mental state, and diet.

Acne can be treated from all these different angles at once. The remedies prescribed will address both the chemical and psychosomatic causes of your skin problem. Therefore, it is essential to be patient while treating your skin problem with homeopathy because it may take longer than you had thought, but long-term results will make the wait worth it! For more information, book an appointment through OHO Homeopathy now!


Homeopathy Doctor

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Homeopathy Doctor

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