Categories: Skin

15 things you should know before trying homeopathy for your acne

Acne is a common skin condition that can become serious and scar the skin if not treated. It often affects teenagers and young adults but may occur at any age. Acne usually appears on the face, neck, upper chest, and back. It is characterized by spots (pimples) and sometimes by pus-filled spots called pustules. People who have acne often feel very self-conscious and may become anxious or depressed about it. But homeopathy can help! The word “homeopathy” is derived from the Greek words for “similar suffering.” A homeopathic doctor tries to match an individual’s symptoms with those of a particular ‘similar suffering’ to experience relief.

Homeopathy doctors recommend different remedies depending on whether you are young, old, pregnant, etc. Often, acne sufferers need to try more than one type of remedy before they find something that works for them. Before knowing that you should try homeopathy or not, let’s learn about acne:

What is acne?

Acne is a common skin disease that involves the oil glands at the base of hair follicles on the face, neck, back, and chest. It occurs when the openings of these glands clog with oil (sebum), dead cells, and bacteria deep inside the pores. When this happens, it is called acne vulgaris. Acne Vulgaris can be recognized by blackheads or whiteheads, pimples or “zits,” redness, swelling, or soreness all over facial areas where acne exists.

What causes acne?

  1. Bacteria: Infection from bacteria strains Propionibacterium acnes and Staphylococcus epidermis initiate the development of acne.
  2. Excessive oiliness: Although excess sebum production does not cause acne, it can worsen acne breakouts and promote bacterial growth. Clogged pores resulting from hormonal stimulation and dead skin cells may also contribute to or exacerbate acne.
  3. Genetic or hereditary factors: If your parents had “good” skin, you would probably have good skin, too; if they had severe acne, you are likely to get severe acne as well.
  4. Hormonal changes:Hormones such as androgens stimulate the sebaceous glands to secrete more oil; women’s monthly hormonal changes may affect acne breakouts.

What are the symptoms of acne?

-Red bumps or blackheads that ooze white pus when squeezed.

-Pimples filled with blood, pus, and oil. They may be under the skin or on the skin’s surface.

-Large inflamed lumps around hair follicles in the back, shoulders, neck, chest, and upper arms caused by infected hair roots.

-Lesions and scars caused by skin picking or popping pimples. You may see yourself picking at the acne (a process called “picking”) and squeezing out white pus.

-Painful, deep red lumps on your upper back and shoulders where acne cysts develop under your skin’s surface.

-Itching or burning is often worse before a period.

What are the types of acne?

  1. Blackheads: Blackheads are caused by a clogged pore that traps oil, dead skin cells, and the bacteria associated with acne. The air reacts with this trapped mixture of oils and dead skin cells, which causes the black color.
  2. Whiteheads: This type often starts as a blackhead; however, it forms under the skin’s surface where oxygen cannot reach it. As it enlarges, its white color becomes more noticeable. A whitehead may cause little or no pain; you squeeze it like a pimple for removal.
  3. Papules: Small red bumps on your face or body occur when hair follicles become inflamed or infected with bacteria deep inside pores (pores closer to the body’s surface tend to get infected more often). You can see papules on the back or chest.
  4. Pustules:This type develops a white center filled with pus, which is one of your body’s responses to bacteria and oil trapped in a pore.
  5. Nodules: Deep lumps form under the skin’s surface as a result of severe acne breakouts. Sometimes they are red or blue-black before they go away after weeks or months.
  6. Cysts: Deep, painful lumps that you cannot pop develop from infected hair follicles deeper within your skin; these cysts sometimes cause scarring if left untreated by a doctor for several months.

Why does homeopathy work for acne?

  • Homeopathy works for acne because it uses natural ingredients that are safe to use internally without any side effects. Homeopathic remedies have no chemical toxicity taken in adequate doses, so side effects are rare. Do not confuse homeopathy with handling large quantities to burn out certain illnesses; this is known as allopathic medicine.
  • Allopathic medicine treats by suppressing symptoms. If you stop taking the drug, your body gets sick again. Also, allopathic drugs always have side effects that can be worse than your original problem.
  • Homeopathy works with an inbuilt defence mechanism in our body and aims at treating the cause of the ailment to prevent its recurrence rather than suppressing the symptoms alone. Homeopathy treatment for acne aims mainly to cure or lessen the severity of acne & pre-mature aging so that you can get back glow on your face and freedom from the skin, which is caused due to fungal or bacterial infection.

How is acne treated with homeopathy?

  • Homeopathic medicine has a vast therapeutic potential for the treatment of acne vulgaris. Based on the law of initial value, its mode of action, i.e., healing from most profound to more superficial layers according to an ascending scale of symptoms on vital energy, on mental and physical levels, is soundly based on ‘action’ or ‘potentiation’ principle. In other words, homeopathic medicine treats at depth-first before going for surface modalities that have been used in topical applications constituting merely a 5-10% concentration rate under allopathic treatment. For a successful outcome with a specific disease, the starting dose must match the totality of symptoms in totality, and a single dose is prescribed for a particular patient. This ‘similarity’ is the basis of selecting a proper homeopathic medicine that can be given safely to an average healthy person without any adverse effect and without aggravating the disease with no risk involved whatsoever.
  • Homeopathy is extremely useful in treating acne, whether it is idiopathic acne, acne rosacea, or even when allopathic drugs fail to cure these conditions. The best part about using homeopathic medicine is you will not have any side effects at all, and you can use them in conjunction with other treatments such as topical ones you might be undergoing if any. Homeopathic medicines chosen must correspond with your whole system. You cannot take just one symptom by itself; they are selected to correspond with your entire system. It is not like taking an antibiotic that can destroy other flora in our body and make us more susceptible to other infections. Treating one disease, we might be causing another because antibiotics have a selective action on the body’s micro-organisms.
  • The main aim of using homeopathy for acne vulgaris is to prevent recurrences & relapses and soothe the burning & itching sensation that accompanies this skin problem. Homeopathic treatment helps prevent scarring as all its medicines are given only in minimum doses, so side effects are nullified entirely even if the medicine is continued for years together.

Homeopathic remedies do not usually produce adverse side effects except for temporary aggravation of your symptoms (so that the body is stimulated into healing itself). Here is our list of 15 things you should know before trying homeopathy for your acne.

  1. All homeopathic remedies are safe, natural, and non-toxic: 

Homeopathic remedies can be taken by children and adults, pregnant and nursing mothers, and almost anyone else. However, as with all medical treatments, it is essential to use caution when using homeopathy if you suffer from an acute or chronic illness or take prescription medications.

  1. Homeopathic remedies are individualized:

There are no ‘homeopathic acne creams’ or ‘homeopathic acne washes.’ Because each person has their own unique set of symptoms, a homeopathic remedy must be individualized for best results. There are specific remedies that will work well on many people with acne, but your homeopath may also need to use some creativity in finding the proper treatment for you!

  1. You should usually see a difference within 4-6 weeks:

Although it can take longer, most people begin to see a difference within 4-6 weeks of starting their homeopathic remedy. If you are not seeing any improvement by this time, discuss with your doctor whether the remedy is correct for you and if other factors would prevent your acne from healing (e.g., stress).

  1. You may feel worse before feeling better: 

Homeopathy stimulates the body’s healing process so that it can heal itself. This means that many people will experience some temporary worsening of symptoms before they start to improve. If the treatment is working correctly, these symptoms should decrease over time as your health improves!

  1. Homeopathic remedies work differently for different people:

Homeopathic remedies affect each person differently. Sometimes a remedy will work in a certain way for one person and another way for another. For example, Sulphur is often used to treat acne because it helps eliminate toxins more efficiently. In one person, this can mean that their skin clears up, but they start getting boils on their face instead!

  1. Homeopathic treatments are not always targeted at your ‘acne problem’: 

Just as conventional medicine treats the whole body rather than just the symptom, homeopathy aims to help your mind and body heal themselves, so therefore, there may be other aspects of your life that need attention. This is why people with acne sometimes turn to homeopathy before seeing a dermatologist or other conventional doctor.

  1. It is essential to remain positive:

Homeopathy works by stimulating your body’s natural self-healing powers, so anything you can do to remain healthy and balanced will help the remedy work better! This includes staying well hydrated, getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables, and reducing or managing stress as much as possible.

  1. Homeopathic remedies are not habit-forming:

Homeopathy remedies are non-addictive and do not produce tolerance or dependency. Homeopathic remedies can be safely discontinued when they no longer offer benefit to your wellbeing.

  1. Homeopathic remedies are safe even when used in conjunction with other treatments: 

Even if you are using modern medicine in addition to homeopathy, the remedy will work alongside any other treatment without producing harmful side effects! This is because it works on your body’s natural healing system rather than against it, making it entirely compatible with conventional medical treatments.

  1. Homeopathic acne treatment can prevent scarring:

The homeopathic remedies most effective for treating acne are usually those that help clear up acne scars, which can prevent future scarring. This is because a homeopathic practitioner will look at all the symptoms you present with as a whole to find the best treatment for your situation, not just those affecting the skin.

  1. A homeopath can make recommendations based on your constitution:

The homeopath can recommend the proper remedy for you because they will consider your physical, mental, and emotional symptoms. For example, if a child is more introverted and has acne on his face and chest, then Helonias (made from the violet) might be recommended. If the child is also hyperactive with lots of tantrums, then the Arsenicum album (made from arsenic) might be recommended since it calms people down when they get like this.

  1. Homeopathic remedies can be taken orally or applied on the skin:

There are also topical homeopathic remedies, which are applied directly to the skin. These can be especially helpful for acne because they provide direct treatment to the affected area without any side effects.

  1. Everyone benefits from homeopath!

Homeopathy can help everybody, no matter the age or health condition. It is beneficial for acute illnesses like colds and flu but is also used to treat chronic physical and emotional issues.

  1. Homeopathic remedies are not expensive:

Since they typically do not require a prescription, homeopathic remedies are often low-cost or even free! This makes it even more affordable to try them out. And if you already have acne, what is there to lose?

  1. Homeopathy has been around for over 200 years:

Since Francois Magendie first discovered that homeopathic remedies worked on dogs in the late 1700s, thousands of scientists and doctors have tested and reviewed these treatments! As a result, homeopathy has become extremely popular with people who want safe and effective treatment of their everyday ailments.

When to visit a homeopathy doctor for acne?

It would help if you went to a homeopathic doctor with acne and other conventional medications that do not help you. Also, make sure your dermatologist knows that you are taking homeopathy because the combination of these two treatments may be very effective. If possible, find a trained homeopathy doctor since they will better understand how to enhance the benefits of homeopathic acne treatments!

Homeopathy offers powerful results, but it does take time and patience to see them. In general, it takes longer than conventional medical treatments to see positive results from homeopathy as your body needs time – often several months or more – to heal itself completely. However, even if your symptoms persist after this amount of time, it does not mean that it is ineffective! For more information, you can book an appointment with a homeopathy doctor through OHO Homeopathy!


Homeopathy Doctor

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Homeopathy Doctor

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